Saturday, July 25, 2009

The World of the Play: Statement

The Importance of Being Earnest is set in 1890 London. During this time London was divided by 3 dominant and different social classes: working, middle and upper. This play has a range of different characters who each serve as a gateway to learning more about the late nineteenth century. During this time London has a large working class and was known for the terrible living conditions. The lifestyle that is lived by the working class is significantly different from that of the upper class. This is seen through the different etiquette and ideals of each social class in London. The Importance of Being Earnest exposes the satirical ideal of London’s upper class the late nineteenth century. The majority of the characters in this play are from the upper class and satirizes them by showing their outlandish views and nature of London’s most prestige. The upper class in London at this time was highly focused on what was fashionable in means of behavior, clothing, wealth, and marriage. Keeping a high sense of etiquette and view of moral character was extremely important. Any minor difference in character was open for criticism. This is shown by Lady Bracknell’s outlandish criticism towards Jack for not having any parents. This was unfashionable and unacceptable for her. The working class during the nineteenth century would have been more concerned about financial constraints rather than an orphan adult’s reputation.

Marriage is one of the many themes within the play. During the 1890s, women did not have many rights regarding marriage. Any wealth or land obtained by the woman before marriage would become the husbands after marriage. Women also did not have many rights to divorce compared to her husband. A husband was able to divorce his wife if he felt she was guilty of adultery but a divorce would not be granted to a wife if she were to accuse her husband of adultery. The women in this play are obsessed with thoughts of their future husbands. This is mainly because at this time, women did not hold much of a place in society without the help of her husband. Women, especially those of upper class were dependent on men their entire life from their fathers to their husbands. Many working class women were able to be independent but once they got married, if their husband was able to support the family, the wife would not continue to work.

Popular culture during this time included classical music, operas, attending the theater, and engaging in the night life clubs and restaurants. The excitement of the London night life was often a great escape to for many of London’s aristocrats. In the Importance of being Earnest, Algernon uses an imaginary character with persisting bad health to escape from his family to go out to the clubs, restaurants and to the country. Although many participated in the nightlife culture, Religion in the nineteenth century was highly practiced and valued. The religious service of christening is focused upon in The Importance of Being Earnest

Education in nineteenth century London along with the majority of the world, was highly focused upon the men. They received a significant difference of education compared to the women. For most women, their education was given to them at home and consisted of learning languages and basic domestic skills. For the men , they were able to attend school and universities.
Movements towards woman’s suffrage in America continued to move in the right direction in 1890. The American Woman Suffrage Association and the National Woman Suffrage Association merge, becoming the National American Woman Suffrage Association. With this merge, they were able to reach more individuals and campaign for woman’s suffrage within America. Although, women in England were granted suffrage in 1918 for women over 30 (house holders and wives) and finally for women over 21 in 1928.

The industrial revolution was also on the verge of beginning in America. The revolution led to the use of new materials and new inventions that we still use today. Important movements towards transportation also grew during this time. An example of this would be the opening of London’s underground railway. This allowed for a new way for people to get around in London. The underground railway also the world’s first electricity powered subway. The Industrial revolution and technology continued to grow from there and into the twentieth century.

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