Saturday, July 18, 2009

Characters and Casting

The Importance of Being Earnest is a light and upbeat comedy that is not focused on heavy political or racial themes. Therefore, in most aspects, non-traditional casting would be acceptable. Many non-traditional actors and actors with disabilities can take advantage of this play.

Casting different races and ethnicities for the roles would take from the historical value of the play if it was kept in nineteenth century London since the dominant race that held social status is 1890 was Caucasian. Casting different races and ethnicities for these characters would not be germane for those who know and have seen the play. Although this may be true, it is not mentioned that the roles should be played by only Caucasian actors. The script would still support non-traditional actors since the play is not focused on any racial themes. The show could also be adapted to modern day to tell a new story with actors of color. Non-traditional casting in the aspect of race would also not bring up any political themes because of the context of the play. Since The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy, there are no scenes that have questionable ethics that may make an actor or audience watching, feel uncomfortable with the role.

Actors with physical disabilities are also not limited by this show. The Importance of Being Earnest does not have any scenes with heavy action or contact. Since this play does not have many characters or extras, this play would give the opportunity to many actors with disabilities to play in leading roles, which in many plays, they are restricted to smaller roles. This show would be a great advantage to actors with disabilities.

Non-traditional casting for gender would not be germane for this show. Casting Females in the male roles or vice versa would take to script out of context and might raise some unintentional political themes. Since there are two proposal scenes in the play, it might bring up the question about marriage between homosexuals. This would add a heavy tone to a play that is light and comedic. The play should stick to the play structure with the correct gender playing male and female roles. If non-traditional casting was applied to gender for this show it would not reflect Wilde’s vision of the play.

For the play, The Importance of Being Earnest, non-traditional casting would work for most aspects and would allow for many actors the chance to broaden their skills. Race and physical disabilities would be an interesting new approach on the play, whereas gender would only damage the context and humor of the play.

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